STAY – Simply to Authenticate Yourself

Thomas Thiede & Eamon O'Kane

15 — 31 Oct 10

urban space

The photograph shows a large metal door covered with black and white rectangular pieces of paper in a chequered pattern. The text on all the black papers is written in white: "Ask cult authors for help". On all the white papers is written in black: "In dreams begins responsibility".

STAY – Simply to Authenticate Yourself, 2010 © Foto: Thomas Thiede & Eamon O'Kane

For “STAY – Simply to Authenticate Yourself”, artists Thomas Thiede and Eamon O’Kane rely on the power of words.

For the public space project, the artists produce posters, flyers, stickers, beer glasses, coffee mugs and a newspaper with various texts in German and English. The design of the text blocks is kept simple in two colours, without decoration or particularly striking typography. The artists wanted to emphasise the content and the message. The texts are based on quotations whose authors are not mentioned in detail. The texts refer to themes such as art, relationships, reality, thought or even tourism.

The text boards are placed along Klenzestrasse in supermarkets, kiosks, schools and other public places. In addition, printed glasses or cups are handed out to guests in eateries (e.g. Bergwolf, Café Maria, Klenze 17). This happens almost casually during daily business and everyone can take the cup or glass with them and continue the project.

Thomas Thiede, born in 1967 in Plauen, lives and works in Fischbachau and Hamburg. Eamon O’Kane, born in 1974 in Belfast, lives and works in Denmark and Norway.


urban space

80469 Munich
