Pranks and not too short

Julian Momboisse aka Bonnie Ton

AUG — NOV 24

various places in Freiham

Pumuckl sits in his little bed in front of Freiham houses

Pranks and not too short, 2024 © Foto: Ellis Kaut, Barbara von Johnson and Brian Bagnall

Pumuckl is up to his pranks in Freiham – small Pumuckl sculptures appear in various corners, disappear again and appear somewhere else… look for the little goblin!

Various sculptures of the Pumuckl appear in Freiham. Sometimes inconspicuous and barely noticeable, sometimes loud and cheeky. In the spirit of the Pumuckl, the sculptures are visible at one moment, only to suddenly disappear again and reappear elsewhere. The art project is a homage to the goblin, who is as much at home in Munich as he is in the minds of many people. It is an invitation to see the neighbourhood in a new light, to be curious and to be surprised. The exact locations of the sculptures can be found on the website
Anyone who wants to look out for the cheeky Klabautermann on their own is cordially invited to go in search of the Pumuckl in Freiham on 27 September (but also on any other day).

Julian Momboisse aka Bonnie Ton, born in 1991, lives and works in Munich.

Pumuckl search in Freiham

27 September 3.00 pm
Meeting point: Grundschule an der Gustl-Bayrhammer-Straße; in case of bad weather one week later.



various places in Freiham
