im Grünen; zentral, offen, alt

Kunstpavillon Team

Jul — Sep 21

Old Botanical Garden and surroundings

Photograph of a green space in the Old Botanical Garden. A large carpet-like rug has been laid out on the lawn, next to it is a sack barrow and a colourful parasol. The Palace of Justice can be seen in the background.

im Grünen; zentral, offen, alt, 2021 © Foto: Cultural Department LH Munich

In “im Grünen; zentral, offen, alt”, the Old Botanical Garden undergoes a temporary transformation as a public space through mobile objects and process-based activities.

The project “im Grünen; zentral, offen, alt” (“in the Green; central, open, old”) by the Munich Kunstpavillon team focuses on the Old Botanical Garden, its history and use, and invites visitors to take part in artistic activities and discussions from mid-July to mid-September 2021. From 15 July, the billboard on the art island at Lenbachplatz highlights the action and historical elements of the Old Botanical Garden with a map of the location and surroundings.

In the Old Botanical Garden, the central and prime location overlaps with a so-called social flashpoint of the city near the main railway station. Here, the colonial history of the botanical garden in the 19th century meets the history of the Glass Palace, and the transformation into a park by the National Socialists meets the reconstruction of the art pavilion organised by the trade unions after the Second World War. The project looks at how different historical periods and their power relations have influenced public space, its design, responsibilities and desires, and are still visible today. Invited participants write, draw, read, talk, write poetry, perform, observe and go for walks, loiter, report, broadcast and research.

The programme with information on activities, stories, interventions and talks is published at

The project is organised by Lena Bröcker, Anna Lena von Helldorff, Katrina Mäntele, Antonia Leitgeb, Katharina Weishäupl and Frauke Zabel.


Old Botanical Garden and surroundings

80333 Munich
