
Mash & Heal

Folke Köbberling

Sep 24 — Oct 25

Munich urban space

An SUV made of clay stands in a public square in front of a house wall with windows. In the foreground you can see a hot rod (1-person mini car), behind it a real SUV.

Ars Moriendi

Gregor Schneider

App Launch 19 FEB 25

Munich urban space

The artist Gregor Schneider and an elderly man lead an elderly woman into a 3-D scanner.

Au au au Hi hi hi – Temporary monument in 10,000 steps

Samuel Fischer-Glaser and Angela Stiegler

MAY – OCT 25

Munich urban space

Lithograph based on a photo from 1958: The professors of the Academy of Fine Arts walk across Marienplatz during the 800th anniversary celebrations of the city of Munich. The towers of the Frauenkirche and the New Town Hall can be seen behind them. The project title Au au au au Hi hi hi is integrated into the town hall façade and the professors' white gowns.


… at a new location


Opening date to be announced

Lateral view of the billboard at Lenbachplatz looking towards the city center. The billboard features a work by the artist Ed Ruscha. The motif shows a snow-covered mountain range in blue with a yellowish horizon above it. The inscription "Pay Nothing Until April" appears on the picture in white capital letters. A woman in a red coat walks past in the foreground.


Artwork on the past and present of the Sinti and Roma

Ladislava Gažiová



Black and white image of the visualization of the meeting place in the form of a converted caravan with library

A place for a word. A Word for a Place (A Time Sign)

Michele Bernardi

since 15 Aug 22

Bayerisches Staatsministerium für Wirtschaft, Landesentwicklung und Energie

Oktoberfest Bomb Attack Documentation

Büro Müller-Rieger

since 26 Sep 20

Main entrance Theresienwiese

Night view of the large group of illuminated silhouettes

Für Euch

Elke Härtel

since 16 Jul 17

Olympia shopping center

A ginkgo tree surrounded by an oversized ring with portraits of the nine people who were assassinated.

Monument to the gays and lesbians persecuted under the Nazi regime

Ulla von Brandenburg

since 27 Jun 17

Corner Oberanger / Dultstraße

Aerial perspective from above looking down on a house facade and the wide sidewalk at a street crossing. A 70 square meter floor mosaic made of colored stones in the form of a large angle is embedded in the pavement of the sidewalk.

Memory Loops

Michaela Melián

since 23 Sep 10

Munich urban space

The homepage of the virtual monument Memory Loops appears at 300 audio tracks (marked as blue circles on a sketched city map of Munich) on locations of Nazi terror in Munich can be clicked and heard there.

8. November 1939

Silke Wagner

since 27 Oct 09

Georg-Elser-Platz / Corner Türkenstraße

At dusk, an installation of bright red neon tubes appears on a house wall in the shape of a bomb detonation. The diameter of the installation is about 5 meters.